
Frequency of Premature Births in Twin Pregnancies in Kosovo

Aim: To determine the frequency of premature births in twin pregnancies.

Methods: This was a retrospective study, of twin births, undertaken from December 2013 back to January 1, 2013, in Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic / University Clinical Centre of Kosovo.

Results: Out of 10,286 the births in Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, 270 (2.63%) were twin pregnancies. The incidence of twin pregnancies was; 26.2 twins per 1,000 births. Fifty three percent (n=143) of infants were born at term, while 47% (n = 127) of infants born preterm or before 37 weeks of gestation. Thirty per cent of the twin pregnancies were conceived through the use of assisted reproduction technology, while 70 percent were by spontaneous conception. The average maternal age was 30.8 years, while the average gestational age at birth was 32.9 weeks. About 7.8 % (n=10) were born before week 28 gestational, 23.6 % (n=30) before 32 weeks, 68.6 % (n=87) were born between weeks 32-36+6 gestation. Averages birth weight of the premature twins was 2010 grams, 8.9% (n=24) were born with less than 1000 grams, 14.1% (n=38) ≤1500 grams, 53.7% (n=145) ≤2500, and 23.3 % (n=63) ≥2500 grams. Sixty three percent were delivered through section caesarean, while 37 % were through vaginal delivery. The Apgar test scoring average for the group: Gem I was 6.5, while for group: Gem II was 6.4. The most common pathologies associated with premature births were: preterm premature rupture of membranes (27.5%), status post section caesarean with pain (13.4%), maternal hypertensive disease (12.5%), death of the fetus in utero (10%), and cervical insufficiency (9.5%), and other pathologies in small percentages: IUGR, umbilical cord accidents, abruption placenta, polyhydramnios etc.

Conclusions: The frequency of 47% premature births in twin pregnancies in Kosovo, was very high. Sixty three percent of the preterm twin pregnancies were delivered through section caesarian. The average gestational age at birth was 32.9 weeks, while averages birth weight of the premature twins was 2010 grams.


Astrit Malush Gashi

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