
Comparison of Various Uterine Closure Techniques of Caesarean Section: A Randomized Controlled Trial

The rate of caesarean section (CS), an

essential component of comprehensive emergency

obstetric and neonatal care has been on a worldwide rise.

The resultant uterine scar is defined as detectable

myometrial thinning at that site and can be detected

reliably by ultrasound imaging. Proper healing of the

uterine scar after CS is of paramount importance to avoid

various obstetrical complications in future pregnancies.

Uterine scar defect is related to the method of uterine

closure, which encompasses various methods. At present,

there is no consensus on the method of uterine closure

following caesarean delivery. Thus, an attempt to figure

out a suitable method of uterine closure in our population

has been made in this study. Objective: To compare 3

types of uterine closure techniques of caesarean section-

Double layer with first layer locked including the decidua

and Double layer with first layer unlocked excluding the

decidua with the commonly used locked single layer

closure including decidua


 Neha Garg, Rajkeerthi N and Shobha Dhananjaya

Abstract | PDF

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